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Public Workshops

Practise Peace    Change Your World

This workshop aims to broaden your understanding of yourself and life.

It comprises an innovative series of video-based sessions based on the international talks of Prem Rawat, a leader in personal peace education. The aim of the workshops is to help you reflect on and discover your inner strengths such as choice, hope, dignity, contentment, appreciation, clarity and peace. Rather than describe or define these topics the programme aims at empowering you to reach your own understandings.

Intended Outcomes:
• You understand that your inner resources can be developed and honed.

• You understand that by paying some attention to knowing your inner resources the quality of your life can be enhanced.

• You understand that developing your inner resources is the foundation of increasing your feeling of peace and wellbeing.

Delivery Method:  A mixture of online and face-to-face workshops.

You Inc.

We spend time developing and implementing strategic plans and goals at work but often neglect to use these skills to benefit ourselves.

Few of us set aside quality time to consider what we want to have, be and do. We rarely assess the skills and knowledge needed to facilitate change and enhance the quality of our lives.

YOU Inc. focuses on designing a clear two year strategic plan for moving forward.

You will work on nine key areas where skills and knowledge are essential if you are to move confidently and systematically towards your goals.

Intended Outcomes:

• Analyse your strengths and the areas you need to build to get where you want to go.

• Develop a two year plan with action steps in the key life areas.

• Recognise the skills and knowledge you require to move forward in nine key areas: strategic planning, priorities setting, health and fitness, stress management, change management, emotional intelligence, problem solving and decision making, relationships and financial management.

Delivery Method:  Face-to-face workshop.

Start A Small Business

We see huge opportunities for people in this emerging era to be working on innovative businesses in areas that they are passionate about and where they can make a positive community contribution and a financially successful living.

Do you want to be your own boss? Do you want to earn a living from something you really enjoy doing?

80% of people want to start their own business and be their own boss. 60% fail in their first year.

Start a Small Business is designed to help students, entrepreneurs, and aspiring business owners succeed in setting up and managing all aspects of a real business.  The focus of these workshops is on teaching you how to start, grow, manage and lead your business to financial success.

Intended Outcomes:

• You will become familiar with all the aspects of building a successful business. From understanding your personal working style and strengths to building successful financial models, all areas will be covered.

• You will have access to up to date information and research on seventeen critical areas requiring understanding if a successful, enduring business is to be built.

Delivery Method: A mixture of online and face-to-face workshops.

Public Workshops: Text

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